
Malo Blue Hole Adventure

with Kayak & Guide or Boat & Guide

Take a long boat across the coastal lagoon to the island of Malo then paddle down the river and watch the water change from incredibly clear to a deep turquoise. Experience the pristine blue hole where the water creates a dazzling luminescent effect The experience has been likened to being in the amazon jungle with the tropical forest encroaching right over the river to the blue hole. Swimming in this breathtaking environment can be serene and peaceful or use the rope swing for something more adventurous. A day trip here is a magical experience.

Plan your escape today.

Ratua Private Island Resort caters to a diverse range of holiday experiences, ensuring there's something for everyone. Relax with private beach coves, inviting crystal-clear waters, and the opportunity to unwind with a refreshing cocktail in hand. Guests can bask in the sun, or simply indulge in peaceful moments surrounded by the island's natural beauty.

Alternatively, experience the exhilaration of swimming with horses or encountering vibrant marine life, the island's offerings are sure to satisfy the craving for excitement. With its blend of relaxation and adventure, Ratua Private Island Resort allows visitors to tailor their holiday experience according to their desires, promising an unforgettable and fulfilling stay for every type of traveller.